20:25:30 Mission Conference
Jesus said that through Him we could have life and have it abundantly, and isn’t that the desire of every human being? Everyone longs for that, but too often, we look for it in all the wrong places. As Christians, we have been given the key to unlocking a rich and full life – a life that can only be found in relationship with Jesus. Jesus calls us to bear witness to Him, so that others may find life through Him. Thankfully, this is not only the task of individual Christians but Christians in community… and that community is the Church. The Church is one of the primary mechanisms that God uses to reach people throughout the world with the good news of the gospel. Therefore, when God commands us to make disciples of all nations, He is calling upon the Church to act.
The goal of mission, therefore, is to help form churches in as many places as we possibly can, because the Church is God’s method of reaching the nations. For this reason, the mission ministry at Cedar Springs is becoming laser-focused on sponsoring the formation and strengthening of as many churches as we can.
We want to help establish:
20 church planting hubs in strategic cities,
with each of these hubs planting, on average, 25 new churches,
by the year 2030.
The mission conference will be February 2-9. More details to come!