The Bible says a lot about loving our neighbors.
Welcome to our resource page for our Community Reading Experiences! The Community Reading Experience is an annual event that the church hosts for anyone to come together to read and discuss a book chosen by the Revelations 7:9 Team. We hope that these discussions help bring us together to think, learn and talk with each other all for the unified purpose of aligning ourselves with what the Bible has to say about loving our neighbors.
The Revelation 7:9 Team is the CSPC response to the broader Revelation 7:9 Task Force formed by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). Our shared goal is to faithfully embrace, worship with, and serve our neighbors from “every nation, tribe, people, and language.” We aim to fulfill the Great Commission and obey the Great Commandment by building our congregation’s capacity to include our neighbors from every type of age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and educational background.
May 7, 14, 21, 2023
Beyond Colorblind by Sarah Shin
This year’s book, written by the associate national director of evangelism for a campus ministry called InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, focuses more on the author’s experiences in working with students from all around the world, and offers perspectives and tools on interacting with people from different cultures and ethnicities.
The book is intended to be a conversation starter. We invite you to bring your thoughts, concerns, agreements, disagreements, and more each week. But most importantly, we encourage you to examine the Bible and your heart as we consider how we’re called to love all people, especially those who are in some ways different from us.
Where we meet
Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church is located at 9132 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37923, at the corner of Kingston Pike and cedar Bluff in West Knoxville.