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Kids, Students, Counseling

Parenting the Anxious Generation

We read the news and see the staggering statistics on the collapse of youth mental health, seeing that children growing up today have been called “The Anxious Generation.” It can leave us as parents feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do or how to help. Do we take away all the phones and throw them into the deepest parts of the ocean? Do we bubble-wrap our precious children and take away all anxiety-producing scenarios? As tempting as these solutions may sound, we can guess that these might not be the answers. Let’s talk about the epidemic of youth mental illness, the “great rewiring of childhood” and how it has affected our kids, and how we as parents can thoughtfully engage with our children and disciple them with wisdom and without fear or reactivity.


Adults, Counseling

Marriage Saturday

Our vision within Marriage Ministry here at Cedar Springs is to come alongside our married couples to help you love each other well as you are loving God and serving the world together. We wish to equip husbands and wives emotionally, relationally, mentally, and spiritually – all the while making each married partner feel seen, known, and loved deeply. Ultimately pointing you both to Jesus. We host Marriage Saturday each February.

Adults, Counseling

Searching For Truth

We are not afraid to talk about the hard things in life. We are a church searching for biblical truth. We are also a church not afraid to talk about hard topics. In fact, we believe the church is the best place to have these difficult discussions.

Kids, Students

Family Ministry Monthly Newsletter

Keep up to date with all that is happening in our Family Ministry.


Mission Monthly Newsletter

Keep up to date with all that is happening in our Mission Ministry.