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As followers of Christ, we’re tasked with sharing the Gospel.

We believe you can be “on mission” anywhere. We facilitate opportunities to serve locally and abroad, demonstrating God’s goodness in word and deed. At Cedar Springs, we want to give you the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that you can find a deeper purpose in life through loving others and serving the world.

500 Churches

The goal of mission is to help form churches in as many places as we possibly can, because the Church is God’s method of reaching the nations. For this reason, the mission ministry at Cedar Springs is becoming laser-focused on sponsoring the formation and strengthening of as many churches as we can. 
We want to help establish:
20 church planting hubs in strategic cities,
with each of these hubs planting, on average, 25 new churches,
by the year 2030.

Watch stories of people living deeper on mission:

Learn How You Can Get Involved

Cedar Springs Mission is responsible for a wide variety of ministry and evangelistic efforts through the service of the church body and through organizations that we support. This directory provides a brief snapshot of each ministry that we support, including ways that you can pray for and serve alongside these ministries and the people they serve.


Weekly Events

Friday Morning Prayer

Prayer is a vital part of living deeply through Life on Mission. You’re invited to join us on Friday mornings at 9am in B237 in the Mission Hall building for a time of prayer for all of our ministries and mission partners.


English Language Learners

Hello, hola, 你好!, 今日は, Здравствуйте, سلام,

However you say hello, you’re invited to our English Language Learners community. We are a group, getting to know each other, as we are learning English. We have ELL classes, plus lots of fun activities that include time to practice speaking English while building friendships.

We offer free classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers of English. The classes are each Thursday morning and evening, and childcare for pre-school age children is available during the morning program. Classes are based on conversational English.

We believe that God invites us to a deeper relationship with him through participating in his mission.

We’re called to be stewards of our resources, and everyone has something to contribute. As a team, we prayerfully discern needs and distribute resources. We will be here to guide you and answer any questions you may have. We’d be honored to help you walk through the process of discerning where God is uniquely calling you to serve in this season.

Read stories of people living deeper on mission:

Mission Staff

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Associate Director of Mission

Mission Program Coordinator