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Opportunities to Serve

The Recipient of Grace Becomes the Giver of Grace

We facilitate opportunities to serve in our church here in Knoxville, in our community, and around the world. At Cedar Springs, we want to give you the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that you can find a deeper purpose in life through loving others and serving the world.

Where do you want to serve?

Use your gifts

Serve Our Church

Greeting Team


Our Greeters are a key part of our mission as they extend the love of Christ personally to every guest and member.

Serve Our Community

KARM – Every Bed Every Day

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Kids, Students

KARM wants every person who spends the night at KARM to be prayed for and encouraged—our goal is for Every Bed Every Day to have a card placed on it.

Serve Our Church

High School Leader

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Students

Serve Our Church

Music & Worship

Worship & Music

People are made to worship and will always worship something.

Serve Our Community

Buddy Blast

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Kids, Teaching

Buddy Blast is a family respite event for children (age birth through 17 yrs) with special needs and their siblings.

Serve Our Church

Communications: Digital Ministry Team

Administrative/Logistics, Audio/Visual Production, Communications, Hospitality

Help us connect deeply with each other and our community.

Serve Our Community

ELL Teachers/Conversation Partners

Administrative/Logistics, Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Teaching

Interested in helping foreigners and immigrants learn English?

Serve Our Church

College Ministry: Hospitality

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Students

College students eat a lot of food! Occasionally we need help with providing snacks for Sunday School or a dinner for a small group. If you love to cook and show hospitality through food, please let us know. We would reach out with a request (when needed) to see if you are available to help.

Serve Our Church



Ushers provide a personal, one-on-one welcome for members and guests as they enter the sanctuary.

Serve Our Church

Parking Team


Our Parking Team extends a personal welcome and creates a hospitable atmosphere from the moment guests and members first arrive on campus.

Serve Our Church

Care Team

Caregiving/Counseling, Communications, Hospitality

Care, Encouragement, and Support

Serve Our Church

Elementary Ministry Leader

Caregiving/Counseling, Kids, Teaching

There are several opportunities each week to volunteer with our Elementary Ministry.

Serve Our Church

Sports Ministry Coach


No sports skill required!

Serve Our Church

Preschool Ministry Volunteer

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Kids, Teaching

Many volunteer opportunities exist on Sunday mornings in Preschool Ministry to be part of loving and serving our kids.

Serve Our Church

Welcome Center/Guest Services


Our Welcome Center Teams assist guests and members who have questions about our church or need information.

Serve Our Church

Middle School Leader

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Students

If you want high energy, then working with Middle School students is where you belong.

Serve Our Church

College Ministry: Adopt A Student

Caregiving/Counseling, Hospitality, Students

At Cedar Springs we want our college students to know that their church family cares for and is praying for them regularly. Our hope is to have a Cedar Springs member "adopt" each college student as they head off to school.