Women On Mission (WOM)
The purpose of Women on Mission (WOM) is for every woman to know Christ personally and to be committed to extending His Kingdom in her life, home, church, community, and world. The Women on Mission organization provides an opportunity for each woman to respond to the gospel, pray, study the Bible, fellowship, and serve the Lord together in unity. WOM is an integral part of the Women’s Ministry and we welcome all women to be a part of this group.
WOM was created to bring women of all ages together through Bible study, service, and fellowship. WOM offers a variety of ways for women to find the places where God would have them grow and serve together.
WOM has 10 unique circles, or smaller groups, where you connect for fellowship as you grow, learn, and have the opportunity to serve the Lord, both locally and around the world.
Monthly Circle Meetings
Circle meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (September through May) either at the church or in members’ homes.
General Meetings
Three times a year (September, December, and May) WOM has General Meetings in the Chapel with all the members. At the conclusion of the General Meeting, individual circles meet at the church with a luncheon following.
Outreach is an important part of WOM activities. Each circle has its own adopted mission and monthly there are a variety of outreach opportunities to serve our wider community through local agencies and ministries. Our missionaries around the world are loved and cared for by the circles.
The WOM Circles can be found here.