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Pastoral Prayer
Father, would you grant a clear vision of your character and love for us this morning. Would be reassured that you are on our side, that death is defeated, and that nothing can pry us out of your hand. There is no place we can go to flee your presence; you know all our days and your presence quiets our souls.
Father, you care deeply about our lives and all that is going on in them. At times, we pack too much into too little hours of the day. Would you help us to pace ourselves, to slow down when necessary, and to speed up when life moves fast. You know our actions, our words, even our thoughts. You know when we respond out of jealousy or hatred, and when we respond with the fruit of the Spirit. Would you help us to not miss your fingerprints throughout our days, and hours, and minutes, recognizing each breath we take is enabled by your sustaining power.
Father, hear our prayers in response to your sustaining power in our lives.
Father, as we hear your Word read and preached this morning would you enliven our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit. Would you grant a fresh and renewed penetration of your Word into our lives.
Pray for beach camp and all high school students and leaders there now. Would this be a powerful weekend for them all as they travel to a different place to hear about you and your Word. We pray for spiritual growth for all attending. And keep them safe from sharks.
Father, we now pray for those in need here at Cedar Springs.
Father, we rejoice with Clayton and Kirby Ginn, along with big sisters, Emerson and Greer, in the birth of Lyla Finn.
We pray for Nikki Dickson and her children, in the passing of Nikki’s mother, Edna Cate.
We pray for Cathy Lanz in the passing of her mother Gay McNemer. You know our days and have them numbered. We look forward to the day you will return and make all things right, when there will be no more death and sorrow, but only tears of joy. Comfort them with your loving presence in these days.
We also pray for Deacon Hubbard, Wanda Mooney, Nancy Moore, Brenda Prince, Russel DeVore, Solomon McCroskey as they seek your healing power in their lives.
Hear our prayers for those on our hearts this morning.
Father, there is so much more to pray for and you know what is on our hearts.
We thank you that we can approach your throne of grace with confidence awaiting one day the new heavens and new earth, because of what your son Jesus has done on our behalf. We pray all of this in Jesus’ name.