Stories of Others Living Deeply
At Cedar Springs, we see you – and we’re with you. We know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with the hurriedness of life. We also understand the feeling deep inside you for something deeper than you’re settling for now. In fact, we believe God created us for those deeper things, and we want to help you discover them.
Below are a series of stories from people right here at Cedar Springs. Some come from great experiences while others were walking through hard times. The unifying thread through all of them is a life living deeply in pursuit of Jesus.
I’m former CSPC ministry intern Christian Hardin, and this is how I’m living deeply. “My story with KICKO (Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach) started long before I was even aware of it. My grandparents founded the ministry 30 years ago, just a few months after I was born, so I’ve...
I’m CSPC member Jennifer Ayers, and this is how I’m living deeply. “The summer of 2020 changed my life. My father, who had been living with dementia, passed away in June. He was in New York state, the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. The chaos & restrictions there made everything...
I’m CSPC member Kathy Carlson, and this is how I’m living deeply. “When Pastor James Forsyth asked me to share my story, he said he sees me as an encourager. That word surprised me. I’ve always felt like my journey has been more about survival than encouragement, especially when it...
I’m Gennie Whitaker, and I want to share with you about someone who meant the world to me and knew what it was like to live deeply: Nancy Holstad. “How would I describe Nancy? Without a doubt, most notable was her deep, deep faith in God. She was a faithful...
I’m Drew McKinney, and this is how I’m living deeply. “My senior year of high school was incredibly tough. I had a falling out with one of my closest friends. Another came out as transgender. All that shook my world and challenged my faith. I didn’t want to go to...
We’re Ryan and Jessica Hubbard, and this is an update on how we’re living deeply. Our 5-year-old son Deacon is battling Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a fatal muscle-wasting disease for which there’s currently no cure. Boys with Duchenne typically live into their 20s and are in a wheelchair by the time...
We’re longtime CSPC members Dave & Linda Ackerson, still a part of the CSPC family though we’ve recently moved to Ooltewah. Here’s how God’s been enabling us to live deeply. Linda: “Our second child, David, was born in 1966, missing most of one side of his brain. Doctors told us...
I’m CSPC Director of Elementary Ministry Alisha Ballenger, and this is how I’m living deeply. “Sometimes our dreams just aren’t meant to be. Other times, though, they actually come true, and this is a story of one that did. But before I get into it, I need to explain there...
I’m Andres Garza Ayala, Director of Redeemer City to City (CTC) America Latina, and I’m guest preaching at CSPC Sunday. Here’s how I’m living deeply. “When you’re a leader working with other leaders, like I am, you always want to go very fast. Get results, right? After all, our role...
I’m Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at UT Intern Gloria Newton, and my family attends CSPC. Here’s more of how I’m living deeply. “I grew up with a lot of prosperity gospel narrative- you do your thing and are vaguely Christian, and God blesses you for that. So going into college...